Bm, G, D, A Feeling my way through the darknessGuided by a beating heart ......I can't tell where the journey will endBut I know where to start .......They tell me I'm too young to understandThey say I'm caught up in a dream .....Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes ...Well that's fine by me So wake me up when it's all over ....When I'm wiser and I'm older ....All this time I was finding myself, and IDidn't know I was lost ..... So wake me up when it's all over ..... When I'm wiser and I'm older ....All this time I was finding myself, and IDidn't know I was lost ..... I tried carrying...
D A Bm G A DMe he peleado con cocodrilos AMe he balanceado sobre un hilo Cargando más de quinientos kilos BmLe he dado la vuelta al mundo En menos de un segundo G He cruzado cien laberintos AY nunca me confundo DRespiro dentro y fuera Del agua, como las focas ASoy a prueba de fuegoAgarro balas con la boca BmMi creatividad vuela Como los aviones G Puedo construir un cerebro ...